Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wrong Person

For many years now I have been receiving misaddressed emails. The people writing probably miss a digit or mistake one letter for another, and in doing so I have the unique fortune of sneaking a tiny peak into other peoples lives. I wonder if this is a common occurrence; do I have just the most generic email address? I suppose that could be it. If so then there might be others out there with their own folders for wrong emails that were sent to their generic email addresses just like me right? It can be the most liberating thing to happen to your email account; from deleting chain letters, unsubscribing to mailing lists, contending with the odd (or frequent) spam mail, so on and so forth; receiving mail that is not meant for you is a welcome change.

For the sole reason that I find it interesting and at times funny, but far from any sort of annoyance; I have decided to create a zine titled simply:


 It will include some emails which I have received over the past couple of years, including any personal details disclosed in these peoples misguided correspondence.

If you are interested in owning a copy, please write to me at:

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